Aquaphonic systems – the new revolution in farming and farming

Aquaponics is a discipline that is primarily defined as exhibiting or exhibiting a combination of the traditional form of agriculture and hydroponics. This combination is known as aquaculture systems, where fish, crayfish and even prawns are raised in tanks, and the wastewater is then used to fertilize plants that are raised in nearby areas. Usually … Read more

Fighting plastic pollution: What Ghana must do as the world celebrates Earth Day 2018

Plastic pollution is one of the devastating environmental challenges on Earth that is destroying its natural resources at an alarming rate in the 21st century. There is a widespread use of plastics in household, industrial and commercial activities. It is estimated that globally, each year, humans generate more than 350 million tons of plastic waste. … Read more

Alternative Funding Sources for Uganda: Pearl Capital Partners (PCP)

Background Information Goal: Established business Sector focus: agriculture Amounts provided: $500,000 – $3,000,000 Funding type: private property Means, instead of making a loan, the fund takes a percentage of the shares. Main criteria Strong team with experience in managing commercial projects. High growth business plan including 5 year forecast; Audited financial statements for the past … Read more

What do you attract in your life? Connecting the New Age, metaphysics and quantum physics

“God does not play dice with the universe.” ~ Albert Einstein In a previous article, I discussed how the “we become what we attract” philosophy dates back thousands of years. What you tell yourself becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy through the power of “I” statements. And that most people don’t realize that they are constantly attracting … Read more

Is there a limit to the inner space?

It is easier for me to imagine an infinite universe than to imagine an infinite inner universe. However, this does not mean that there are limits to the internal space. It just seems a more difficult concept to imagine. Nor is there a guarantee that the universe is infinite either. There can be limits to … Read more