The mysterious moons of Mars

Mars is a veritable wonderland that has sung for centuries with an alluring siren song to those who seek to solve its many mysteries. In fact, the two moons of Mars are named after them Phobos And Deimosoffer some great puzzles of their own. Where did the moons of Mars come from? For a long … Read more

Data Science: An exciting career option

Data science is an interdisciplinary approach towards gaining valuable insights from big data. These insights help the organization to improve its operations and make efficient and smart decisions. It uses techniques such as machine learning, cluster analysis, data mining, and visualization, and uses the field of mathematics and statistics. Why data science? With each passing … Read more

Top 5 colleges for tech savvy

We have asked many students which colleges are the best colleges for engineering and computer science. Using a weighted average of faculty resources, technology grants, class size, and student assessments, we developed the following list to help guide students and parents in the admissions process. The list provides a brief summary of the best engineering … Read more

The importance of agriculture

Agriculture usually plays a vital role in the economy of every country in existence. Not only for the reason that it tends to feed the entire population of a country but also in connection with the fact that agriculture is associated with and interacts with all related industries in that country. A country is usually … Read more

Reasons for the importance of agriculture

Why is agriculture important? The concept of “food security” is fundamentally important, which is why agriculture is important. Perhaps the first priority of its rulers throughout history was the task of feeding its people. As such, agriculture has been the basis of the political and social stability of a nation since time immemorial. Moreover, the … Read more

The true scope of cultivation

Agriculture was the primary occupation of human beings, and this is also a very important occupation. It provides a variety of products – crops – that are essential to humanity. Agriculture not only supports humans in their livelihood but also helps a large number of industries. Agriculture forms the raw material for many industries based … Read more

Benefits of pharmaceutical engineering

Pharmaceutical engineering is a stream of science that draws all the ideas and concepts of chemical engineering. This branch of engineering deals specifically with the production of active and therapeutic substances that are used by the pharmaceutical industries to develop useful drugs. This engineering branch also deals with the marketing of developed products. This article … Read more